Credit: WoolCool

Credit: WoolCool

Due to the nature of pharmaceutical products, shipments need to be packed securely and at the optimum temperature for safe delivery. This means that any packaging material needs to be a dependable insulator. We’ve all learned how one of the vaccines against Covid-19 needs to be stored at -70/-80 degrees Celsius. Even for the ones that require more moderate refrigeration, packaging material will be crucial in Covid-19 vaccine roll-out.

Wool is becoming a more popular choice for packaging material due to its wealth of environmental benefits.

IWTO explores why wool is fundamental for sustainable packaging material.

Why Insulating Wool is the Ideal Choice for Pharmaceutical Packaging

Below are some of the reasons why wool is the perfect packing material for medical shipments. To explore further the benefits of wool, you can visit the IWTO blog page.

Wool Has the Ability for High Performance Temperature Control

Temperature control is paramount in all pharmaceutical deliveries due to the nature of the contents and the need for a safe and viable medical product. The properties of sheep’s wool prove it to be one of the highest quality insulating materials, whether this is a refrigerated need or general packaging.

“The ultimate goal of any temperature-controlled pharmaceutical package is for the content to be delivered within the specific temperature range, ensuring its contents remain viable, safe and ready to use,” says WoolCool, a UK-based leader in sustainable insulated packaging. “With medical and Pharma deliveries – such as vaccines and medicines – packaging can be a matter of life and death.”

Wool has the natural ability to perform at the temperatures usually expected of pharmaceutical deliveries, which typically fall into the ranges of 2-8°C and 15-25°C. Three of the four leading Covid-19 vaccines in development, for example, require this range of temperature storage. It can also perform at Controlled Room Temperature when required and provides the ideal insulation option for those deliveries which need to be kept cool.

Read Next: Increase the Life of Your Wool Textiles: 5 Ways to Care for Wool

Wool Also Has Damage Prevention Features

Due to the nature of medical products, their packaging needs to have optimum damage-prevention capabilities, and wool provides this. The smart fibre attributes of wool make it a protective material, meaning that it easily absorbs any impact — and does so while offering more flexibility than alternatives like polystyrene.

Wool’s protective features also extend to condensation damage too. This is because wool is capable of absorbing up to 40% of its own weight in moisture without feeling wet. Therefore, products will be protected from moisture damage, too.

Shipments of Wool Take Up Significantly Less Space

Wool is the ideal space-saving material. It can be packed and delivered flat, as well as being more flexible and light to move around. In comparison to alternative packaging materials, such as polystyrene, one truckful of wool is equivalent to four truckfuls of polystyrene. Not only does this demonstrate wool’s significant space-saving abilities, but it also highlights how wool contributes to more sustainable distribution, thereby limiting carbon footprint.

Wool is the Perfect Choice for a Sustainable and Natural Solution for Medicine Insulation

100% real wool packaging not only provides the exceptional benefits listed above, but it does all of this in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. With so much waste material used for protective packaging, insulation material, and deliveries, such as polystyrene, cardboard, and plastic, using wool as a chosen material instead can really make a positive impact on pharmaceutical deliveries, as well as on the environment.

Plan for More Sustainable Pharmaceutical Deliveries by Considering the Many Benefits of Wool

Contact IWTO for further information on a more supportable future. With incredible insulation capabilities, flexible movement, space-saving capabilities, and sustainable qualities, it’s clear to see why wool is becoming increasingly popular as a packing material.

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