Sustainability Ratings for Apparel Must Improve

Merino wool sheep in South Africa Reviewers of a leading environmental impact tool for apparel find that its systems must improve, or it risks producing misleading results. A number of environmental impact tools have been developed in recent years.  These tools aim to measure the environmental footprint of apparel products. One such tool is the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Material Sustainability Index (MSI). It is one of the suite of tools in the Higg Index. Dr Stephen Wiedemann and Dr Kalinda Watson of Integrity AG & Environment (Australia) reviewed the MSI with specific reference to fabrics made from natural fibres, making several key recommendations. These recommendations would bring the Higg tool into alignements with ISO standards, and establish a level playing field for rating both natural and syntheric fibres. Read the full review in the peer-reviewed journal Sustainability. Where the MSI Needs to Improve In their review, Drs Wiedemann