
Monthly Archives: March 2021

5 Wool Takeaways from the Digital Trade Fairs

Milano Unica, digitised as e-MilanoUnica Connect, gathered some of the biggest names of Italy and Europe and beyond on its digital platforms with 225 companies altogether. These included the Japan and Korea Observatories. Idea Biella, the specialist suitings area, could be said to represent the most upmarket collections of menswear fabrics, with particularly strong collections from Italy and the UK. Meanwhile, summer wool made its presence felt at Premiere Vision. PV’s customary analysis and trend information made much of eco attitudes, including natural plant or wool based materials. As with MU, the quest for less harmful finishing and enhancements was also notable. Digital shows keep the ball rolling towards wool By Janet Prescott Covid once again kept trade fairs in the realm of the digital. Below are our top five takeaways from Milano Unica and Premiere Vision. 1. The demise of the suit is greatly exaggerated As far as wool

By |2021-03-31T09:12:06+02:00March 26th, 2021|News|Comments Off on 5 Wool Takeaways from the Digital Trade Fairs

Natural Fibres are Natural Partners for Responsible Fibre Consumption

Natural fibres such as cotton and wool offer many solutions to the world’s current environmental challenges, but risk being misrepresented by sustainability ratings, the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) told the representatives of the cotton industry at last week’s Bremen Cotton Conference. More than 450 participants from 32 countries attended the conference, which brings together cotton and other textile specialists from around the world. As part of the popular panel for Responsible Fibre Production, chaired by Cotton Incorporated Senior Vice President Mark Messura, IWTO Secretary General Dalena White cautioned attendees that, under current ratings systems, products made from wool and cotton are at significant risk of being rated poorly compared to synthetics. The result of a rating scheme that doesn’t reward the attributes of natural raw materials and doesn’t penalise key environmental impacts of fossil fuel-based raw materials will be falling demand for wool and cotton as brand purchasing

By |2021-03-26T13:15:26+01:00March 25th, 2021|Blog, News|Comments Off on Natural Fibres are Natural Partners for Responsible Fibre Consumption

Wool and Yoga

Yoga is proven to offer individuals a variety of physical and mental benefits. Simultaneously, wool is known to provide several environmental and health benefits.

By |2021-03-29T17:45:00+02:00March 25th, 2021|Blog, News|Comments Off on Wool and Yoga
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